I’m leaving.

I know I haven’t been on this blog much, but I love each and every one of you readers out there with all my heart, because you stuck with me and read my drama when I was sure no one would. The only reason I’m shutting this down is because:

  1. My friends don’t update this anymore.
  2. People who I don’t want having knowledge of this blog know about it. It makes me feel a lot more nervous posting anything, checking and double checking everything. In the end, I feel like my creativity is suffering.
  3. People who know me knowing about this blog gives me anxiety. I’m already judged a lot in my life, and I don’t want anyone else judging me more because of this blog.
  4. Also, I’m just not in it anymore.

Its not anyone’s fault. I’ve been going through a… See, I can’t even tell you all this. Because people out there will see. All I can tell you is that there are some reasons I can’t do this anymore, related to my mental health.


I hope we meet again.

Someday, somewhere, someplace.

Farewell till then,



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